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If you have an existing maintenance request/ticket, you can take several action to manage it, such as scheduling reminders, forwarding to maintenance personel, adding comments, adding images, adding notes, and marking it as resolved. You can even book a contractor to perform the service through our partnership with Latchel. All you have to do is follow the steps below:

1. From the Innago menu on the left, click “Maintenance”.

2. Select the request/ticket that you’d like to manage by clicking anywhere in the row with its details.

3. From here, you’ll be given several options you can take advantage of on the Maintenance Detail screen in order to manage your request/ticket. We’ll cover all of these below.

Mark as Resolved

Click “Mark as Resolved” in order to close out a request/ticket. You can add an optional note here (only visible to you and sub-user). Check the Notify Tenant box if you’d like to have the tenant receive an email notifying them of the update. Click “Resolve” once you’re finished. Please note, you can always re-open the request/ticket later.

Set Reminder/Recurrence

Click Set Reminder/Recurrence if you’d like to remind a tenant or a sub-user (maintenance person) of a maintenance request/ticket. Toggle on “Recurring” if you’d like to schedule consistent reminders based on either a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. You can have a never-ending reminder, or set an ending based on a date or a number of occurences. Lastly, select the sub-users (“Team Members”) and/or tenants you’d like to be notified. Click “Save” you’re finished.

Forward Maintenance Ticket

Click Forward Maintenance in order to forward the request to a non-Innago user, such as a contractor. Toggle on “Share Tenant Contact Info” if you’d like your tenant’s contact information to be included. Click “Send” once you’re finished.

Book a Repair Now

If you need to book a contractor to complete a repair, you can take advantage of our partnership with Latchel. For more information on Latchel, you can either click the “Learn More” link that’s immediately displayed, or click “Learn More” after clicking the gear icon of the widget. Click “Get Support” to send a message directly to Latchel support for an pre-existing contractor request.

If you’re ready to book a repair, click Get Started”. A pop-up window will appear where you’ll follow the prompts to complete booking the service.

Add Photos/Notes/Comments 

You can update your request with any additional relevant images, as well as leave notes or comments. Please note, Comments will be visible to all tenants on the lease, whereas Notes will only be visible to you and any sub-users you’ve assigned to the property.


If you’ve previously marked a request/ticket as resolved, you can reopen it by clicking Reopen from the Maintenance Detail screen.

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