It’s not possible to entirely delete a tenant in Innago. If you want it to be as if the tenant never existed in Innago, we could have them removed for you. Just let us know the name of the tenant you want deleted.
If by deleting a tenant, you meant that you wanted to ‘move out’ your tenant, you can simply terminate their lease.
To terminate their lease:
1. From the Innago menu on the left, click ‘Properties’.
2. Select the property, then select the unit of the lease you’d like to change.
3. Make sure the correct lease is selected. If it is not, select the Future Leases drop-down to find the right group.
4. Below the section that lists the number of days remaining, you’ll see a button that says ‘Terminate.‘ Click the ‘Terminate’ button.
5. Here, a calendar will appear. Select the date you’d like the lease to end and click the ‘Terminate’ button.
6. Your new lease end date is set!
2. Select the property, of the lease you’d like to archive.
3. Click the three vertical dots.
4. Select Archive Lease.
5. Your lease is archived!