1. From the Innago menu on the left, click “Leases and Files”.
2. Select the lease term you would like to terminate by clicking anywhere within the row that includes its details:
3. Near the top-right corner of the screen, click the set of vertical dots as shown below to access the action menu. Click “Terminate”.
4. Once you’ve clicked “Terminate”, a pop-up winder will appear where you can select the termination or end date of the lease. Please note, by default we will display today’s date, but you can select a date in the past or the future as well.
If you would like to archive the lease after termination, you’ll simply click the action menu again once we’re past the termination date. Please note, the archive option will only appear after the termination date. If you need to archive the lease immediately, be sure to set the termination date to a date in the past. Archived leases can always be unarchived later by reaching out to the Support Team.