If a lease in Innago is set to Month-to-Month, it will continue generating rental invoices until a lease end date is set. To set a lease end date:
1. From the Innago menu on the left, click ‘Properties’.
2. Select the property, then select the unit of the lease you'd like to change.
3. Make sure the correct lease is selected. If it is not, select the Future Leases drop-down to find the right group.
4. Below the section that lists the number of days remaining, you'll see a button that says 'Terminate.' Click the 'Terminate' button.
5. Here, a calendar will appear. Select the date you'd like the lease to end, and click the 'Terminate' button.
6. Your lease has been converted into a fixed term lease with a set end date. Innago will stop generating rental invoices after that end date.