Late fees can be added from your account settings and applied to all properties by default. They can also be added on a property-by-property basis. Property settings will always override account settings, so you can customize as needed.
To change late fee settings for your account as a whole:
1. From the Innago menu on the left, click ‘Settings’ (the gear icon).
2. From the Settings menu, select ‘Late Fee’.
3. Toggle the late fee setting ‘On’ and click ‘Add New’.
4. Here, you can go through the process of setting up your late fees.
5. Once setup, check the box to the left to set a late fee as default and apply it to all your properties.
To change late fee settings for a specific property (overriding your account late fee settings on that property):
1. From the Innago menu on the left, click ‘Properties’.
2. Then select the property to which you’d like to add late fees.
3. In the top right corner, click ‘Edit Property’.
4. In the top right corner, click the ‘Settings’ tab.
5. You will be able to assign any existing late fees or add a new late fee here.
6. Click ‘Save Settings’ to update your late fee settings.
Note: Changes to late fees will only apply to future, unpaid invoices.