When you log in to make a payment there may be an instance where there are three options for selecting an amount to pay your invoice. There is Pay Total, Pay My Portion, and Pay Other. These three options are displayed if there is more than one tenant on the lease and you share an invoice.
Upon logging in you will automatically see “Your Portion” Displayed.
You will then click Proceed to Pay
The next screen will display the three options to choose from in which you would like to make a payment. Pay Total, Pay My Portion and Pay Other.
The first option that will automatically be selected is “Pay Total.” This means you will be submitting a payment for the entirety of the invoice. If that is the amount you would like to process, you would then click Continue to Payment Method at the bottom of the screen.
The Second Option displayed is “Pay My Portion.” This means you will only be submitting a payment for your portion of the rent. ex: you are responsible for 50% so it will automatically display 50% of the total invoice amount. If this is the option you have selected and want to pay, you will then click Continue to Payment Method at the bottom.
The Last Option displayed is “Pay Other.” This means that you will only be submitting the amount that is typed in to the box under payment amount. You would need to type in the amount in which you want to make the payment for and then click Continue to Payment Method.
Please Note: Other option is only available if a landlord/property owner allows partial payments. If the landlord does not allow partial payments, this option will not be available.
Once you select one of these options, you will then click Continue to Payment Method and follow the prompts to complete your payment. If you have additional questions about continuing the payment process there is a helpful link here.