When you first login to Innago, you’ll be taken directly to your Dashboard page. Here, you’ll find a variety of information that can serve as a big-picture glance at all of your properties.
Quick Search
At the very top of your Dashboard, you’ll have access to our Search feature by clicking the magnifying glass located in the top right corner. As you type, results from the following menu pages will populate: Properties, Applications, Lease & Files, Income, Expenses

Quick Access
You also have quick access to the Record Payment feature, as well as the Add Tenant feature with the buttons located in the top right corner.

Collection Stats
The main section you’ll notice is the Collection Stats area, which breakdowns your income based on the following statuses:
Collected – Funds are considered “collected” once you’ve either recorded an offline payment, or if electronic payments have been deposited into your bank account. These invoices will show as “Fully Paid” on your Income page.
Processing – Funds are considered “processing” once a tenant submits an electronic payment and it has not been deposited into your bank account yet. For more information on processing times, please click here.
Overdue – Funds are considered “overdue” if they are overdue or unpaid.
- Coming Due – Funds are considered “coming due” if they are due in the current month but have a due date after the date it is currently.
Example: Invoice is due on the 15th of the month, but the current date is the 10th. -
Past Overdue – Funds are considered “past overdue” if they are overdue and were due outside of the current month.

You can toggle between “Active Only” and “All Time” to expand the date range included in the stats.
Your Units With Outstanding Balance ratio refers to how many expired and active lease terms have invoices that are overdue or unpaid. Invoices for future lease terms will not be accounted for in this ratio.
Occupancy Statistics
Right next to your Collection Stats you’ll find your Occupancy Statistics. This just shows you how many vacant units you have compared to how many occupied units you have, with an accompanying graph (let’s hope your stats don’t ever look like my test account below).

Unsigned Documents
Any pending leases to be signed will appear in this section. You can click the “Send Reminder” button to quickly send a reminder to the tenant to sign the document.

Applications Processing
Any applications that you have not yet approved or rejected will appear here.

Open Maintenance Requests
Any unresolved maintenance requests will appear here. Requests will display on the graph based on their category.