If you’ve already added a tenant’s lease terms to Innago (start date, end date, rent amount, etc.) and you want to change the due date for one specific invoice, you can very easily follow these steps!
In Innago, navigate to your Income page
From the Income page, you’ll need to use your Filters to find the invoice you need to edit.
When you find the invoice you’re looking for, click on it
On the invoice, you should see the option on the right hand side to Edit Invoice
When you select that, the Due Date field will become selectable
Simply type in the due date you want to change the invoice to, or select the calendar icon to select a date from a calendar!
Then, make sure you click Save on the invoice to finalize your changes
Then, you’re all set! This invoice will now have a different due date, and the changes will also apply to the tenant’s dashboard instantly.